Did you know there are a host of creative ways to support The Potomac School ? Ways in which you and Potomac benefit at the same time?
Such giving techniques are called "planned gifts," because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and Potomac . For example:
- You can make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime.
- You can give stock and realize larger tax savings.
- You can get a monthly paycheck for life in return for your gift.
- You can donate your house, continue to live there, and get a tax break all at the same time.
Where to Begin?
- Identify Your Goals
- Discover Gifts Anyone Can Afford
- See How Gifts Can Pay You Income
- Explore Gifts That Protect Assets
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your interest in making an estate gift to The Potomac School. Our community is fortunate to have such loyal alumni, families, and friends who uphold the School’s longstanding philanthropic traditions. This website was created to share with you the many ways in which you can establish your legacy at the School. By leaving Potomac in your estate plan, you can achieve several goals, such as decreasing your tax liability, retaining income, and passing money on to your children while ensuring that the people and programs you value most will continue to benefit our community for generations to come.
Legacy gifts include, but are not limited to, bequests, charitable remainder trusts, charitable gift annuities, gifts of life insurance and retirement plan assets. In most cases, planned gifts are applied to the School’s endowment, which helps provide additional funding for student scholarships, faculty professional development, and programmatic support. Should you wish to restrict your gift to a specific program or purpose, please contact the School so we may work with you to accommodate your intentions.
One of the easiest and most low-cost ways to make a planned gift to Potomac is to include the School in your will or trust. Every bequest made to Potomac builds a legacy of financial strength. You can find sample bequest language by clicking here. Should you choose to make a legacy gift, you will be afforded membership in The Second Century Legacy Society. The school is immensely grateful to the members of The Second Century Legacy Society for their vision and support of our students and teachers. It is an honor to recognize these donors on our website and in our Annual Report, and to include them in events throughout the school year. If you have determined a plan, please let us know so that we can personally and properly acknowledge your generosity.
If you would like more information on how to incorporate The Potomac School into your financial plans, please contact me at (703) 749-6326 or by email at boverstreet@potomacschool.org. All discussions will remain confidential. My colleagues and I look forward to meeting with you to determine how you and the School can enjoy the mutual benefits of including Potomac in your estate plan.
Thank you for making Potomac a philanthropic priority.
Barbara Overstreet
Director of Development